For the time to come we will cover all aspects of trust. You will be surprised to see how many times you will read, listen and confront “trust”. Read the newspaper, watch TV, follow social media, and believe us, trust has many faces. You trust your doctor, your political party, your friend, your instincts, your gut feeling. Every day. Trust is not something that comes for free, most of the time it requires a lot of effort to gain and once gained, to keep it.
There are numerous places where TRUST is measured (Edelman Trust Barometer), discussed (too many places, just check out our website and Twitter account, @severindewit) and researched (Columbia Journalism Review, Gallup, Knight Foundation, Poynter, etc) to name just one few.
Trust is a life companion whether you like it or not. We will write and podcast about all aspects of trust, in politics, news, media, economics, psychology and daily life, sports and what have you more.
Try us out and listen one day and read just one newspaper and carve the number of times you read or listen the word “trust”. We will help you out. Comments? Feel free to them each and every item we post on Trust Talk). Tips? more than welcome. We will post in English as well as sometimes in Dutch.