Transcripts, Literature & YouTube with subtitles
360° Vertrouwen: de onzichtbare sleutel tot sterke werkrelaties – Boekbespreking
“360° Vertrouwen: de onzichtbare sleutel tot sterke werkrelaties" door Jan van der Spoel, Boom Uitgeverij (2023), 192 pagina’s. Omslagontwerp en...
The Impact of Perceived Justice on Societal Trust
Kees van den Bos, Professor of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Utrecht University and author of the book "The Fair...
Creating a Trusting Workplace
Human Resources In the interview, Antoinette Weibel, Professor for Human Resources Management at the University of St. Gallen and director...
Digital Divides: Navigating Tech, Trust, and Power
Our guest for episode 85 is Anu Bradford, the Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International Organization at Columbia...
How Leaders Create High-Trust Organizations
Our guest on episode 84 of our podcast is Bob Hurley, Professor Leading People and Organizations at Gabelli School of...
Betekenis & Bullshit – Boekbespreking
“Betekenis en Bullshit”, door Stephan Ummelen, Boom Uitgeverij (2024), Vormgeving omslag en binnenwerk: Joost van Lierop, Redactie: Mark Ubbink, Foto...