Trusted Crisis Communication
The tweet by “Haagse Insider” of 26 November 2021, suggested we look to our neighboring countries, how they communicate over the Covid pandemic. Although the tweet is in Dutch, it inspired me to think of the role of trusted crisis communication. The tweet analyzed the press conference by the French Health Minister Olivier Véran and his colleague Jean-Michel Blanquet (Minister of Education, Youth and Sports) during their press conference of 25 November 2021.
I quote the Tweet by Haagse Insider:
First, a communication lesson. In France, the minister and other speakers wear masks. They turn it off when they start speaking, and back on when they stop speaking. After mask goes off and before someone speaks, hand gel is used. Show don’t tell.
Olivier Véran wants to “amplify, accelerate, simplify”. Did he live up to his promise? He sure did. Lengthy but crystal clear, direct, not evading the brutal truth, especially about the role in the health crisis of those that have not been vaccinated, in minute detail in language people can understand.
We added English subtitles (AI-generated, using SONIX.ai for those that have no command of the French language, as we hope that other EU governments will follow suit.
The video with English subtitles is on our YouTube channel: